Abler APK


Rating: 4.4
  • Abler Screenshot1
  • Abler Screenshot2
  • Abler Screenshot3
  • Abler Screenshot4


Sportabler is a game-changing team management and calendar app that revolutionizes the way we communicate, plan, and organize. No more juggling between different platforms and sources of information, with Sportabler, everything you need is in one convenient and organized place. Whether you're an admin, coach, member, player, or guardian, this app caters to your specific needs. Say goodbye to information overload, as Sportabler filters and organizes all communication and notifications, ensuring you only receive relevant updates.

Features of Abler:

* Simplifies team communication: It streamlines all communication within a team, making it easy for everyone to stay connected and informed.

* Efficient planning and organization: With Abler, you can efficiently plan and organize team events, practices, and games, ensuring everyone knows where to be and what to bring.

* Centralized source of information: All team-related information is accessible in one place, eliminating the need to search through multiple platforms or email threads.

* Attendance tracking: It allows you to keep track of who will be attending each event, ensuring accurate headcounts and avoiding any miscommunications.

* Statistics and analysis: Get valuable insights into your team's performance with Abler's statistics and analysis feature, allowing managers to have a comprehensive overview of their organization.

* Customized notifications: It filters and organizes all communication and notifications, ensuring that you only receive relevant information, reducing unnecessary "noise."


Abler simplifies every aspect of your team's communication, planning, and organization. With Iceland's leading sports organizations collaborating in its development, this app is designed to meet the needs of admins, coaches, members, players, and guardians. Stay connected, informed, and perfectly organized with Abler. Download now and experience the power of streamlined team management.

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  • Size: 80.10 M
  • Language: English
  • Version: 3.2.6
  • Requirements: Android
  • Ratings: 37
  • Package ID: com.sportabler.client
  • Developer: Abler


  • Fæ ekki frístundastyrkinn inn og get því ekki skráð barnið í sína íþrótt. Búin að reyna ýmislegt
    2024-09-12 00:36:40
  • Yay
    2024-09-08 11:57:50
  • Lol i dont know Lol
    2024-09-05 20:48:10
  • Solid
    2024-09-04 20:45:08
  • Kemst ekki inn á Sportabler, það kemur bara "server not responding" en allir aðrir sem eru með þetta app komast inn, annars var þetta bara fínt þegar að það virkaði. Það er búið að lagast.
    2024-08-30 14:15:35
  • íþróttafélagið sem strákarnir mínir eru í tóku upp þetta app og ég er engan veginn ánægður með það, fannst Facebook bara miklu betri staður fyrir samskiptin. t.d. þegar það er verið að senda inn skilaboð þá er engin leið til að vita við hvaða flokk skilaboðin eiga við þannig að þetta er algjör martröð á mótum og ég þarf að reyna að átta mig á því miðað við aðra foreldra sem eru í grúppunni, á síðasta móti var ég kominn með 10+ skilaboð/umræður og ég að hlaupa á milli leikja að reyna að átta mig á því hvaða umræður eiga við hvaða flokk. Látið vera MANDATORY að setja inn við hvaða flokk skilaboðin eiga, ferð t.d inn í messages og velur þar Flokkinn .. því þjálfarar eiga að setja flokkinn í nafnið en gera það eiginlega aldrei.
    2024-08-25 07:06:13